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  1. Feb 15, 2016
  2. Feb 14, 2016
  3. Feb 12, 2016
    • Denis Ledoux's avatar
      [FIX] event_sale: event tickets domain in sale order line · 4c7e33fd
      Denis Ledoux authored
      From saas-6, setting `0` as maximum available seats
      means there is an unlimited amount of tickts that
      can be sold, as stated in the help message of the field:
      Define the number of available tickets. If you have too much registrations you will
      not BE able to sell tickets anymore. Set 0 to ignore this rule set as unlimited.
      This domain is the same domain used than in
      the QWeb views of `website_event_sale`.
  4. Feb 11, 2016
  5. Feb 10, 2016
  6. Feb 09, 2016
    • Joren Van Onder's avatar
      [FIX] point_of_sale: make POSBox print only one ticket when losing wifi · cdf21ebe
      Joren Van Onder authored
      The POSBox attempts to maintain whatever Wi-Fi connection it has as best
      it can. When it loses it's current Wi-Fi connection it will attempt
      to recreate it every 30 seconds. This works well, but a side-effect of
      this is that it'll also print a 'Could not connect to LAN' ticket every
      time it fails. If you where to leave the POSBox with Wi-Fi on for an
      extended period of time you could return to a lot of 'Could not connect
      to LAN' tickets.
      This makes it so that the 'Could not connect to LAN' ticket only gets
      printed once upon connection loss. Although it would be simpler to just
      not print this ticket at all when losing connection, it is very useful
      to know when the POSBox has lost connection. Otherwise when it loses
      connection it would stop working and noone would know why.
    • Denis Ledoux's avatar
      [FIX] marketing_campaign: pass context as kwargs in overriden `search` · 3266d433
      Denis Ledoux authored
      When converting a new API call to an old API call,
      the context is expected to be found within the kwargs
      argument. If not, it is seen as a regular argument.
      See `get_context_split` in `openerp/`
      As it was not the case in the overidden method
      `search` in ``, if a module
      overriden the method `search` of
      `` using the new API, the
      context wasn't treated as such correctly, and it leaded
      to wrong number of arguments passed.
      I take the opportunity to pass all arguments
      that are passed as kwargs in the base `search`
      as kwargs as well, to be clean.
    • Nicolas Lempereur's avatar
      [FIX] website_crm: fix medium_id for website sent form · 3ea3348d
      Nicolas Lempereur authored
      In ddac26cd `crm.crm_medium_website` was replaced by
      There was one place where it was not reverberated so the medium_id was
      always unset in that instance (a crm.lead created from a website form).
      note: no need to forward port after saas-6 (code change)
    • Olivier Dony's avatar
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
      [FIX] addons: fix usage of decorators `api.v7`/`api.v8` · 5763c32a
      Raphael Collet authored
      Specifically, when one API implementation calls the other one, it has to call
      the method *from the same class*.  Otherwise, overriding the method may result
      in an infinite recursion.  Consider:
          class A(Model):
              _name = 'stuff'
              def foo(self):
                  return 42
              def foo(self, cr, uid, context=None):
                  return self.browse(cr, uid, [], context).foo()
          class B(Model):
              _inherit = 'stuff'
              def foo(self, cr, uid, context=None):
                  return super(B, self).foo(cr, uid, context=context) + 1
      and now call: `env['stuff'].foo()`.  This invokes `` (new-API), which
      calls `` (old-API), which calls `` (old-API), which calls ``
      (new-API) instead of ``!
      This issue would not be present if old-API `` was defined as:
              def foo(self, cr, uid, context=None):
                  return, uid, [], context))
    • Laurent Mignon's avatar
      [FIX] models: use `column._symbol_c` as placeholder for the column value · d82e489a
      Laurent Mignon authored
      When generating SQL queries, `column._symbol_c` must be used as placeholder as
      for the method 'set' of the column itself.  Otherwise it is not possible to
      define specialized columns.
  7. Feb 08, 2016
  8. Feb 07, 2016
  9. Feb 05, 2016
  10. Feb 04, 2016
    • Cédric Snauwaert's avatar
      [FIX] expression: fix search for o2m with non existing id · 4de3f4c4
      Cédric Snauwaert authored
      The result of searching on a o2m field for a missing ID was
      the whole set of records which do not have any lines in the
      o2m fields. This is definitely not the desired behavior,
      and could lead to disatrous performance, because the
      returned set could be extremely large.
      One example of such behavior is for recomputing fields
      in the env cache in 8.0+. When a o2m line gets deleted,
      it triggers the recompute of any dependent fields.
      In order to locate the records to recompute, the ORM
      searches for the 'parent' records in the comodel table.
      When this operation is done by 2 users concurrently
      the o2m line may not exist anymore, and the bug
      is triggered: dependent fields are recomputed on a possibly
      very large set of records that did not need any recompute!
    • Antonio Espinosa's avatar
      [FIX] membership: remove membership line when deleting invoice · d036e3be
      Antonio Espinosa authored
      Apply the same behaviour as the unlink done on account.invoice.line.
      This should properly be implemented with a ondelete=cascade but this is not
      possible in stable version as it requires an update.
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
      [FIX] fields: make `copy_cache` use a todo list instead of recursion · 0f2e7d78
      Raphael Collet authored
      The recursion was based on an incorrect assumption: the cache of the target
      environment is initially empty.  If another computation left some value there,
      the copying is incomplete, and that causes bugs in onchanges.
  11. Feb 03, 2016
  12. Feb 02, 2016
  13. Feb 01, 2016