- Jul 27, 2018
qsm-odoo authored
The input-group-addon class has been replaced by a combination of the input-group-text and the input-group-append/prepend classes. The input-group-btn class is replaced by the input-group-append/prepend classes.
qsm-odoo authored
Panels and wells were dropped and replaced by the "Card" component.
qsm-odoo authored
col-lg-* -> col-xl-* col-md-* -> col-lg-* col-sm-* -> col-md-* col-xs-* -> col-* col-lg-offset-* -> offset-xl-* col-md-offset-* -> offset-lg-* col-sm-offset-* -> offset-md-* col-xs-offset-* -> offset-* col-lg-pull-* -> order-xl-1 col-md-pull-* -> order-lg-1 col-sm-pull-* -> order-md-1 col-xs-pull-* -> order-1 col-lg-push-* -> order-xl-2 col-md-push-* -> order-lg-2 col-sm-push-* -> order-md-2 col-xs-push-* -> order-2
qsm-odoo authored
Now, the 'breadcrumb-item' class has to be put explicitely on breadcrumb items.
qsm-odoo authored
See previous commit for more explanation.
qsm-odoo authored
Odoo used to declare two main colors: primary and optional (which are purple and turquoise in enterprise). Those were respectively assigned to the 'primary' bootstrap variable and the 'btn-primary' bootstrap variable. BS4, however, does not allow to have a different primary color for buttons. Instead, the 'primary' color is used for all 'primary' related components and utility classes, same as for all other colors. So, if we want to keep our enterprise buttons green, our 'optional' colors had to become our 'primary' color. The old odoo primary is then renamed to the 'odoo' color. The palette of grays is now larger by default and is numbered from 100 to 900 alongside the $black and $white variables. The equivalence for older variables and the way we used them is: $gray-darker -> gray 900 (unused before) $gray-dark -> gray 900 $gray -> gray 700 $gray-light -> gray 600 $gray-lighter-darker -> gray 400 (the old variable was created by us) $gray-lighter-dark -> gray 300 (the old variable was created by us) $gray-lighter -> gray 200 Fortunately, the 'lighter' variations we created fit well in the default BS4 system ! Unfortunately, our $gray-lighter which carried the same function as $gray-200 (see above) is very close to the new default $gray-100 and quite distant from the new $gray-200. This will be handled in the next commit.
qsm-odoo authored
$border-radius-base -> $border-radius $border-radius-large -> $border-radius-lg $border-radius-small -> $border-radius-sm
qsm-odoo authored
Now the nav structure is more declarative: the 'nav-item' and 'nav-link' classes have to be put on related nav item and links. Also, the 'active' class has to be put on links instead of items. Same as for the navbar component: - The navbar structure was simplified and meant to be more declarative. - The navbar colors are also now handled by a different set of classes. The 'nav-stacked' class was removed and replaced by flex utilities. The set of classes for colors and nav styles also changed.
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
BS variables were renamed or changed and all (most) variables now use 'rem' units instead of 'px' unit.
qsm-odoo authored
- The dropdown structure was simplified, allowing to get rid of the 3-levels structure induced by <ul/> elements and dropdowns can now contain anything. The class 'dropdown-item' is now mandatory for each dropdown clickable element. The class 'dropdown-item-text' can be used to add same padding and style but without making the element have a clickable look. - Dividers now use the class 'dropdown-divider' - The way dropdowns are opened and hidden also changed (before the 'open' class was added on the `.dropdown-menu` parent, now the 'show' class is added on both the `.dropdown-menu` parent and the `.dropdown-menu` itself). - JS-wise, no click event handlers can be put on `.dropdown-toggle` elements anymore (instead, use handlers for dropdown events). - Carets are automatically put on `.dropdown-toggle` elements, so this commit replaces the `.caret` elements with this. This feature was possible to disable but would prevent us from adding a caret with scss. Also, this simplifies the DOM. The 'o-no-caret' class was also introduced to allow using the 'dropdown-toggle' class on non-caret elements. - Also adapt the scss to use $caret-width instead of $caret-width-base
qsm-odoo authored
That was pretty useless, better use the btn-secondary class and add particular rules to `.btn.fa` if necessary.
qsm-odoo authored
BS4 "btn-default" class was replaced with "btn-secondary", which makes more sense.
qsm-odoo authored
Odoo made the bad choice of using the 'btn-sm' class for every button instead of configuring the padding for default 'btn' to be smaller. In BS4, the style of btn-sm is actually more complex, lowering the font-size too. Also, btn-xs was removed so we would not have the possibility to display smaller button than our default ones. This commit removes btn-sm wherever it was used. Unfortunately, this might remove it at some places where it made sense but this can be restored in a second time.
qsm-odoo authored
The system completely changed. I also had to adapt classes to new screen breakpoints. hidden/hide -> d-none show -> d-block hidden-xs -> d-none d-md-(block/inline/...) hidden-sm -> d-md-none d-lg-(block/inline/...) hidden-md -> d-lg-none d-xl-(block/inline/...) hidden-lg -> d-xl-none visible-xs-* -> d-* d-md-none visible-sm-* -> d-none d-md-* d-lg-none visible-md-* -> d-none d-lg-* d-xl-none visible-lg-* -> d-none d-xl-* hidden-print -> d-print-none visible-print-* -> d-none d-print-* ... and all possible combination of those had to be handled too.
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
The variables are now an unique map. As the screen sizes' names changed, the container names changed accordingly.
qsm-odoo authored
* website_quote, website_sale
qsm-odoo authored
media queries that target a specific screen size handled by bootstrap have now a more convenient way to be defined: ``` @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) { ... } -> @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) { ... } ``` ``` @media (max-width: $screen-sm-max) { ... } -> @include media-breakpoint-down(sm) { ... } ``` ``` @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) and (max-width: $screen-sm-max) { ... } -> @include media-breakpoint-only(sm) { ... } ``` ``` @media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) and (max-width: $screen-md-max) { ... } -> @include media-breakpoint-between(sm, md) { ... } ``` Also, bootstrap has changed the values for its default screen sizes: ------------------ | BS3 | BS4 | ------------------ 0 | XS | XS | -> Portrait Mobile 576 | / | SM | -> Landscape Mobile 768 | SM | MD | -> Portrait Tablet 992 | MD | LG | -> Landscape Tablet / Small Desktop 1200 | LG | XL | -> Desktop ------------------ While it is possible to configure BS variables to behave as BS3, we took the decision to keep the BS4 variables untouched. BS4 system seems indeed better and having the purest bootstrap possible is better for Odoo to be used as a framework.
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
Patches were introduced by Odoo in the lib and have been removed while updating it to "tempus dominus". This commit restores them. See: - https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/3741603495532e218b66f3cfa0272e4536f1cf2c - https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/ab42507d460125c5ee81bb6b4b859146494339ac
qsm-odoo authored
* website_form, debian Our old library for datetimepicker for bootstrap 3 is deprecated and an updated version is developed by the same team under the new name "tempusdominus", for bootstrap 4. The lib is imported by taking the *unminified build* JS and the *src* scss. Odoo is also bundling the lib better by putting the scss file in both backend and frontend assets instead of only in common (so that the scss is compiled differently for the frontend and the backend). Note: the lib also needed to be patched inline to solve a bug at one line.
qsm-odoo authored
Note 1: unsupported themes were already removed in a previous commit. Note 2: we should maybe add the new themes.
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
BS4 do not provide vendor prefixes scss mixins anymore as it is meant to be used with the 'autoprefixer' library. As we only support the last version of every major browsers in Odoo, we took the decision to not use the library as it was also complex to integrate in Odoo. We decided to do the library's work by hand if it ever become necessary.
qsm-odoo authored
Since bootstrap 4.0.0, the 'popper' library is a dependency.
qsm-odoo authored
Simply updating the lib, the assets bundle content and the assets bundle compiler.
Arnold Moyaux authored
It happens when the route is already set on the warehouse. In this the system will only active the route however the rules inside this route still inactive. This commit set active the rules in both case when the route is created or set as active.
Jaykishan Solanki authored
When a product variant is set on a BOM, the column 'Variant' of bom lines is hidden as all lines will be applied for the specific variant. If there was any variant were set in this column, they are removed as it doesn't mean anything because we are working to a specific one. TASK-36708
Christophe Monniez authored
Since bf3193ac libsass is needed but is named libsass0 in Debian. With this commit, the docker source image used for tests will build again.
- Jul 26, 2018
Laurent Smet authored
The old manual reconciliation wizard gets deprecated (soon to be removed) while we push forward the 'payment matching' widget. Better, faster, stronger. Was task: 1847703 Was part of PR #25921
Laurent Smet authored
On the accounting config, you can select an automatic way to compute the reference on invoice and then, improve the reconciliation in a later task: - free communication: set what you want as reference (default) - based on partner: find the partner more easily - based on number: retrieve the invoice directly Was task: 1847703 Was part of PR #25921
Thibault Delavallée authored
Activity types can be either generic, either related to a given model. This task aims at improving the model propagation through several commits * prefill model when configuring application activity types; * limit previous / next activity types to generic or same model; * propagate model when creating new activity types through recommended activity m2m; See sub commits for more details. This merge is linked to task ID 1844644 and closes PR #25843.
Thibault Delavallée authored
If you create new activity types through the "create and edit" of the recommended activity type it is a good idea to propagate the model in order to avoid having inconsistent results. This commit is linked to task ID 1844644 and PR #25843.
Thibault Delavallée authored
When creating an activity type flow using recommended next activities we should limit the available activity types by model. They should be either generic either of the same kind. Otherwise you could have inconsistent results. This commit is linked to task ID 1844644 and PR #25843.
Thibault Delavallée authored
Purpose is to help managers in their daily use of activities. When creating a new activity type through an app-dedicated menu we should pre-fill the model with the main app model. This is already done in several applications. This commit fixes some applications where it was not done. This commit is linked to task ID 1844644 and PR #25843.
Anshuman Sharma authored
When user is not linked to any employee and get try to check in/out then user gets white screen. Instead correctly displays a warning message telling the user should have an employee. Screeshot: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cX1NtCcELeTYgr0kK5cW4i5etyHtezAV/view This commit is related to task ID 1841522. Closes PR #25230.
Xavier Morel authored
There really is no reason for these methods to be called over RPC.