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  1. Jun 06, 2018
    • RomainLibert's avatar
      [IMP] hr_holidays: add support for taking leaves differently · b6642f1b
      RomainLibert authored
      We would like to be able to take leaves using different units, currently
      we only support taking leaves by hours because we use datetimes.
      We need to support three units:
       * days
       * half days
       * hours
      These units will be defined on the leave type.
      Task #40995
      Closes #21760
    • Prakash Prajapati's avatar
      [FIX] mail: Add a mark as read option on systray message dropdown · d8a5141c
      Prakash Prajapati authored
      - 'Mark as Read' icon will be shown by moving the mouse over the message
      - if it's channel then make it Mark as Seen
      - if it's inbox notification then mark all message as read
      - The inbox notification icon has been changed
      This commit is related to task ID 1817646
    • Mathieu Duckaerts-Antoine's avatar
      [IMP] mail: add moderation on channels · 299ebb2c
      Mathieu Duckaerts-Antoine authored
      Purpose of this commit is to allow moderation on incoming messages in
      discussion channels. On some channels on which moderation is required
      messages should be in a pending moderation stage. Moderators can accept
      or refuse messages as well as always allow or ban messages coming from
      a given set of emails.
      Channels now have an option to be moderated. Moderators can be added on
      channels. They have access to a specific UI in Discuss to see and take
      action on messages waiting for moderation.
      Concerning mail.thread message that are pending moderation are not notified.
      It means nobody receives a notification about them. Moderation process calls
      the notification once the message is validated.
      Various features included in this commit :
       * a model is added to store the decision about emails, allow or ban;
       * access rights are updated so that only moderators can modify moderation
         fields on message;
       * specific bus notifications are send to moderated people as well as to
         moderators on incoming emails as well as when a decision is taken;
       * options are added on channels to send explanations to moderated emails;
       * options are added on channels to write and send guidelines explaining
         why and how moderation is performed;
       * a reminder is send daily to moderators with remaining messages to moderate;
       * discuss UI is adapted and a new channel is added below Inbox and Starred
         giving access to moderation tools;
       * chanenl UI is adapted allowing to moderate directly inside channels;
      This commit is linked to task ID 29521. Closes #21921.
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [IMP] test_mail: add an assert method for bus notifications content · de0b9e51
      Thibault Delavallée authored
      Purpose is to ease the check of bus notifications content by having a tool
      method doing it.
    • Sanjay Jamod's avatar
      [IMP] account: vendor bill creation upon email reception · a4df9f8c
      Sanjay Jamod authored
      This allows to set up a mail alias per purchase journal. Then share that email address to your supplier, or use it internally to forward the vendor bills received by mail, to automatically create an empty vendor bill with the mail attachments linked, and the partner might be filled if the source email matches a supplier.
      Thanks to the document preview on the side, it's now super easy and super fast to copy the vendor bill info from the received PDF into the account.invoice object. This would eventually be improved later on (IAP).
      Was task: 37703
      Was PR #22158
    • Quentin De Paoli's avatar
      [REF] mail_thread: refactoring of _find_partner_from_emails() · a6b75d40
      Quentin De Paoli authored
      More flexibility equals more powa
    • Ivan Yelizariev's avatar
      [IMP] base: correct link in comment · f81963ad
      Ivan Yelizariev authored
      To describe the date format on babel website
      Closes #25085
  2. Jun 05, 2018
  3. Jun 04, 2018
    • XavierDo's avatar
      [FIX] web: getFocusableElement error in tree view · 3a2c8767
      XavierDo authored
      When a line in a editable tree view has no acivable element
      (readonly or toggle_bollean fields only) the currentFieldIndex
      will be null after selecting the row, and when trying to edit a
      field (boolean field_toggle in this example) an error will be
      thrown when trying to put focus on currentWidget.
      We need to check that the currentWidget is not undefined.
    • Martin Geubelle's avatar
      [DOC] add documentation for position='move' · aabe35c7
      Martin Geubelle authored
      Feature merged in odoo/odoo@eee245c
  4. Jun 01, 2018
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [MERGE] sale_timesheet: invoice from project overview · a0546578
      Jérome Maes authored
      These commit allows users to create sales order, and invoice
      from the project overview. To do, the overview is now refreshed
      when naviguating throught the breadcrumb, and supports action
      buttons on its control panel.
      Also, some stat buttons are added on the overview (sales order
      and invoices).
      The process of invoice creation is the same wizard than the one
      from the sale order.
      Thoses actions are only available when there is no ambiguity
      to determine the SO from the project, or for non billable project
      (to create the SO).
      Task #49213
      Closes #24280
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [IMP] sale_timesheet: overview access · 72e3ebc4
      Jérome Maes authored
      On sales order form view, we display a "project overview"
      stat button. It redirects to the overview of the only
      billable project of the SO.
      To avoid access error, and because this dahsboard is usefull
      only for project manager, only those ones will have access to
      this overview. So, stat button (Sales order) and label on
      project kanban are aonly visible for manager.
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [IMP] sale_timesheet: SO/INV stat button on project overview · 6b1aec5b
      Jérome Maes authored
      Now that the overview is refreshed when it is displayed and that we
      can create SO/INV from it, it is usefull for the users to have
      a stat button displaying those new documents directly from
      the overview.
      This commit use the already existing mecanism to display
      Sales Order and Invoices stata buttons.
      Thoses 2 stat buttons are only visible for salesperson seeing
      all document, to avoid access errors.
      Task #49213
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [IMP] sale_timesheet: invoice from plan project · 55ca3dd2
      Jérome Maes authored
      We want to invoice from the project overview. To do so,
      a button can help people: it is only visible when an order
      linked to task in that project has something to invoice
      Any sale order line, even the ones with no service product
      will be invoiced.
      However, the user will have to choose which SO (involved in
      the project) to invoice. Then the "invoice order" wizard
      takes over.
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [IMP] sale_timesheet: control button on plan project · 9f3040ee
      Jérome Maes authored
      This commit makes the project overview handle action
      button in its control panel. When calling server to get
      overview HTML code, we also get a list of actions to display
      in the control panel. Those are rendered client side.
      Since when an action is done, we usually don't want the button
      to be display anymore, reloading the overview is required.
      The overview is now refreshed when navigating with the breadcrumb,
      so each time the overview is displayed, an RPC call to the server
      is done (`do_show` method override).
      Task #49213
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [IMP] sale_timesheet: wizard to create SO from project · d8f2b1b8
      Jérome Maes authored
      This commit provides a wizard to create a SO from
      a non billable project. It sets sale_line_id on the
      project, and the project on the SO line to simulate
      the project was created by the SOL.
      The created SO contains one line with a selected
      service product, with ordered qty set as the total
      of planned hours of all task in projects.
      The wizard also links all non billable active
      tasks of the project to the SO line (and its
      timesheet entries).
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
      [IMP] convert: simplify context when creating records · 627292f7
      Raphael Collet authored
      The context was containing a dictionary under the key `install_mode_data`,
      which was informing about the model, xml_id, module, filename.  Actually only
      the module and filename were necessary, and the others were slowing down the
      import because of generating artificially different environments.
      The context now has two entries `install_module` and `install_filename`.
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
      [IMP] models: simplify API of `_parent_store_create` and `_parent_store_update` · 655ec918
      Raphael Collet authored
      The parameter `vals` is no longer given, and the first method has been adapted
      to work on several records.
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
      [IMP] models: no need to mark non-stored fields as modified · 23a3ee12
      Raphael Collet authored
      Those will be handled by the transitive closure made over non-stored
    • Martin Geubelle's avatar
      [IMP] base: allow to move an element in inherited view · eee245ce
      Martin Geubelle authored
      The `position='move'` has been introduced to move an element in an inherited
      It's used as
      <xpath expr="//@target" position="after">
          <xpath expr="//@node" position="move"/>
      or also
      <field name="target_field" position="after">
          <field name="my_field" position="move"/>
      The xpath with a position `after`, `before`, `inside` or `replace` can thus now
      have another xpath as *direct* child with position `move`.
  5. May 31, 2018
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
      [REF] resource calendar (#24717) · 975c6c86
      Raphael Collet authored
      Refactor resource calendar and resource mixin:
       - add a required timezone field on models 'resource.calendar' and 'resource.resource';
       - resource calendar attendances are now computed in the timezone of the resource
         or the calendar;
       - improve API of 'resource.calendar' and 'resource.mixin';
       - avoid other modules from using the implementation methods of 'resource.calendar';
       - refactor implementation of 'resource.calendar' to make it more efficient.
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [REM] calnedar: remove commented leftover of 4a59f93d · f5af0714
      Thibault Delavallée authored
      It way to hot here. Forgot to remove commented views.
    • Mahendra Barad's avatar
      [IMP] mail, calendar: add today meetings in systray · 4a59f93d
      Mahendra Barad authored
      Purpose of this commit is to display today meetings in the systray. This will
      help people in their daily job to have quickly access to their meetings.
      It is displayed along with activities and reminders to have all current work
      to do in the same place.
      Displayed meetings are ongoing or not yet started ones of the current day.
      All-day meetings of the current day are also shown. Done meetings are not
      displayed to lessen noise.
      Clicking on the systray will open the calendar view of meetings in a day
      mode. This is done by a small modification in the calendar view allowing
      to choose the display mode from context in addition to the mode attribute
      of the action definition.
      This commit is linked to task ID 60593. Closes #24438. Thanks to @ged-odoo
      for quick reviewing.
    • Mahendra Barad's avatar
      [REF] mail, note: rename systray method giving data for web client · 64297049
      Mahendra Barad authored
      As it becomes used to display more things than just counting activities let
      us rename the method. Future commits will add new features in the systray
      like meetings.
      This commit is linked to task ID 60593.
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [MERGE][REF] various: remove several settings allowing to (un)install modules · 3239c917
      Thibault Delavallée authored
      Unticking options linked to modules lead to applications being removed
      without clear notification for the user doing it. Impact of installing
      and uninstalling modules is too heavy to be hidden in simple checkboxes
      in some settings. This merge therefore removes some of options linked to
      modules installation.
      This merge is linked to task ID 1841221. Closes #24649.
    • Hiral Bhavsar's avatar
      [REF] hr_timesheet, sale_timesheet: remove settings to (un)install sale_timesheet module · 0a5a3c5d
      Hiral Bhavsar authored
      Purpose is to limit the uninstallation of modules without being clearly
      notified of it. We therefore decided to remove those options from settings
      to prevent users from uninstalling it.
      Description of sale_timesheet features and options are now all moved to
      sale_timesheet. A Billing section should only be visible if sales installed.
      We therefore move Billing section from hr_timesheet to sale_timesheet. A
      priority is used to ensure sequence of various settings related to billing
      and timesheet.
      This commit is related to task ID 1841221.
    • Hiral Bhavsar's avatar
      [REF] website_sale: hide settings to install account_invoicing · 49c3f91e
      Hiral Bhavsar authored
      Purpose is to limit the uninstallation of modules without being clearly
      notified of it. In website_sale we choose to hide the field allowing to
      (un)install invoicing. Options linked to invoicing are now hidden if the
      module is not installed.
      This commit is related to task ID 1841221.
    • Hiral Bhavsar's avatar
      [REF] hr_expense: remove settings to (un)install sale_expense module · 7215064c
      Hiral Bhavsar authored
      Purpose is to limit the uninstallation of modules without being clearly
      notified of it. In expense ticking sale_expense repair / maintenance install
      and uninstall sale modules and its dependencies.
      We therefore decided to remove those options from settings to prevent
      users from uninstalling it.
      This commit is related to task ID 1841221.
    • Hiral Bhavsar's avatar
      [REF] project: remove settings to (un)install timesheet · 9cabc317
      Hiral Bhavsar authored
      Purpose is to limit the uninstallation of modules without being clearly
      notified of it. In project ticking timesheet may have a great impact
      depending on modules already installed: sale_timesheet, timesheet_grid,
      We therefore decided to remove those options from settings to prevent
      users from uninstalling it.
      This commit is related to task ID 1841221.
    • Hiral Bhavsar's avatar
      [REF] mrp: remove settings to (un)install repair and maintenance modules · 000ecb04
      Hiral Bhavsar authored
      Purpose is to limit the uninstallation of modules without being clearly
      notified of it. In MRP ticking repair / maintenance install and uninstall
      modules like stock, sale_management, mrp_workorder, ...
      We therefore decided to remove those options from settings to prevent
      users from uninstalling it.
      This commit is related to task ID 1841221.
    • Géry Debongnie's avatar
    • Christophe Matthieu's avatar
      [FIX] qweb: Field type monetary use the record context · 241e67b7
      Christophe Matthieu authored
      Before this fix, the _convert method use the context of the qweb rendering
      instead of use the record context.
      'date' and 'company' are automatically set as option for the field. The
      template who use t-esc with the widget monetary must define the options.
      The bug is introduce by
  6. May 30, 2018