- Sep 06, 2016
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
This reverts commit b4d7b7e6. Odoo always uses term eCommerce
- Sep 02, 2016
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
Martin Trigaux authored
Several modules defines records with the external ID `base.foo_bar` while it is created inside this module (typically menus and groups). While there is no technical reasons to do so but this may introduce issues: - these records will not be deleted during uninstall - if a language is loaded before the installation of the module, it won't be translated The uninstallation will only remove the records with an external id linked to this module (these would only be removed when removing base). Installing a language before the module will drop the translations not linked to an existing external id (as it can not be resolved). This commit correct all the external ids tagged as from base or other incorrect modules.
- Sep 01, 2016
Damien Bouvy authored
Instead of having to register a card then do a payment, a little checkbox during the checkout process is usually simpler.
Damien Bouvy authored
This allows using a modern e-commerce flow where amounts are first authorized at checkout then captured when the picking is in fact shipped instead of immediately capturing the amount. To access this flow, a new selection value is available on the payment acquirer: "Authorize the amount and confirm the SO on acquirer confirmation". If this value is selected, s2s/form transactions should only require authorization to the acquirer; the user can then capture/void the payment manually from the Odoo backend transaction form view by simply using buttons.
- Aug 31, 2016
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
take the payment icon from the acquirer image field, instead of a static unchangeable icon. Change the acquirer image on all acquirers data.
Jeremy Kersten authored
Update design for registered cards @courtesy of @fhe-odoo
- Aug 30, 2016
Jeremy Kersten authored
Make bill_to generic, and callable Use Json synthax and not Dict synthax (even if it was compatible) fot t-field-option Replace deprecated t-field-options by t-options
Jeremy Kersten authored
This commit add as (sub) payment method all (owns) tokens from this acquirer. Tested with Ogone with success
Nicolas Martinelli authored
It might happen that a price is strike through in the shopping cart although it has the same value than the discounted price. This can be due to differences in decimals smaller than 0.01. The fix is to apply the same logic than in other places: strike through if the difference is larger than 0.1. opw-685109
- Aug 29, 2016
Christophe Matthieu authored
- Aug 26, 2016
Jeremy Kersten authored
Martin Trigaux authored
- Aug 22, 2016
Martin Geubelle authored
A new field `create_variant` has been added on `product.attribute`. If unchecked, the attribute will not create variant. These attributes will be added on the sale order description if bought from the shop. The lines of a product with these attributes will be splitted to keep the description.
- Aug 19, 2016
Jeremy Kersten authored
Task 20251
Jeremy Kersten authored
Now you have the option to show the number of product found after one search.
Jeremy Kersten authored
Now you can sort products by lst_price, name, ... via the UI In some case the price list or b2b/b2c mode can altered the price and the sort on lst_price can be sometimes wrong. Eg: if price is displayed vat in (b2c), and mix rate of 6% and 21%, the sort will be done on the htva price.
- Aug 11, 2016
Srushti Patel authored
- "Suggested alternatives" is renamed by "Suggested Products" - "Suggested products" is renamed by "Suggested Accessories" - Display all Accessory Products rather than the first 3 ones
Mitali Patel authored
- Aug 08, 2016
Christophe Simonis authored
- Aug 05, 2016
Fabien Pinckaers authored
- Aug 01, 2016
Christophe Simonis authored
- Jul 30, 2016
Christophe Simonis authored
The less refactoring in 5b65befc wrongly removed the css directive that hide some elements in edit mode. As a side effect, the product price was appearing twice when editing a product. Commit 44ca4317 tempt to fix it but removed the edition part. opw:683343
- Jul 28, 2016
Jeremy Kersten authored
Fix "Remove cart line button isn't a proper link" Fix "col-md for title (Billing Address, Shipping Address) where 'The underline of the title stops too early' Fix "First load from adress, display zip/city in right order to avoid flickering if zip/city instead of city/zip Fix "Select the billing address as the shipping after edit the billing address from the shipping list" Fix "Disable the selection of address in checkout while in edit mode" Fix "Fix validation of the extra checkout step: 'extract_data got an exepected keyword argument'
- Jul 18, 2016
Goffin Simon authored
- Jul 05, 2016
Christophe Matthieu authored
t-options instead of t-field-options
Christophe Matthieu authored
t-field, t-esc and t-raw use the same widgets and options
- Jul 04, 2016
Jeremy Kersten authored
Jeremy Kersten authored
Change checkout process. - Billing address is always the connected partner_id or neww partner_id. - Shipping address is contact of current commercial_partner_id - New checkout design for address selection - Add delete a line in my cart - Fix input quantity size - Refactor/Reindent xml template from website_sale - Improve the modularity for checkout (preprocess, posprocess, required fields, ...) - Allow to use form builder in extra step for OEE (No edit mode) - Add route to have states according country selected (need to be overridable for website_sale_delivery) - ...
- Jun 23, 2016
Christophe Matthieu authored
Use 'True' instead of 'true' because 'true' key does not exist.
- Jun 17, 2016
Jeremy Kersten authored
Allow to display price on the website tax included or not. Price for product is computed with a new function display_price which one compute an estimated price based on taxex and fiscal position of the current partner for the current product. Once the product is in the cart, it is the behaviour of previous commit odoo/odoo@5f5f8d8 which is used to diplay price with or without taxes.
Jeremy Kersten authored
Allow to set in configuration mode b2b or b2c. Change the column of order line in sale view and in reports depending of sale. Fix price_reduce field (wrong if tax was included in price) and merge with code discounted_price from website_sale. Change header from reports "Price Tax Excluded' by 'Price' in report. That is wrong, sometime the amount can haxe tax included in the price.
Joren Van Onder authored
Introduces two new options: - confirm_so: to confirm the sale order on acquirer confirmation - generate_and_pay_invoice: confirm_so + generation of invoice and payment registration
- Jun 14, 2016
Goffin Simon authored
All the information about the taxes must be displayed in the confirmation page. opw:679316
Christophe Matthieu authored
[IMP] qweb: t-field-options is a python dict, safe_eval for compile template, not need to eval in field methods
Christophe Matthieu authored
Remove attribute only if the result is False or None
Christophe Matthieu authored
Template arch can contrains "groups" attributes on the html tag but can't have group_id setted. (to allow a cache per template and lang instead of a cache per template, user and lang)
- Jun 09, 2016
Yannick Tivisse authored
Purpose: Having the res_group defined in base and sales_team auto installed with mail doens't make sense. - Move the empty res_config class and the related view from base_setup to sales_team (base_setup only contains the 'General Settings' model and views - Move the 'sale' related content from product to sale module (Access rights, menuitems,...) - Set sales_team at autoinstall False. The module is installed when needed by crm or sale for example - Set sales_team as a dependency of voip. (Access rights defined for configuration purpose) - Set sales_team ad a dependency of subscription (Access rights issue too) [FIX] account: move some ir.model.access to sale module [FIX] payment: Move some ir.rule to website_sale [FIX] stock: move some ir.model.access rule to sale_stock [FIX] project: Move some ir.model.access rules to crm_project_issue [FIX] mrp: Move some ir.model.access rules to sale_mrp [FIX] calendar: move some ir.model.access rules to crm Rename xmlids accordingly. Example: 'base.group_sale_manager' becomes sales_team.group_sale_manager. [ADD] sales_team: See own documents => See only his sales team Moved the "User: Own Leads Only", "User: All Leads" and "Manager" groups from sale and crm into sales_team module. Add the record rules so that user can see only his Own Sales Team if "See Own Leads" is sales right and can see all sales teams if he is having sales rights of "See All Leads" or manager.
- Jun 06, 2016
Yannick Tivisse authored
This branch need more testing instead of doing 10 fixes. A lot of issues are occuring when installing modules in different orders. This reverts commit fa6e415c.
Yannick Tivisse authored
Purpose: Having the res_group defined in base and sales_team auto installed with mail doens't make sense. - Move the empty res_config class and the related view from base_setup to sales_team (base_setup only contains the 'General Settings' model and views - Move the 'sale' related content from product to sale module (Access rights, menuitems,...) - Set sales_team at autoinstall False. The module is installed when needed by crm or sale for example - Set sales_team as a dependency of voip. (Access rights defined for configuration purpose) - Set sales_team ad a dependency of subscription (Access rights issue too) Rename xmlids accordingly. Example: 'base.group_sale_manager' becomes sales_team.group_sale_manager.