- Sep 06, 2016
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
This reverts commit b4d7b7e6. Odoo always uses term eCommerce
qsm-odoo authored
Ravi Gohil authored
In 8.0 private fields have been recently set as visible only to employees at commit b2265108. However between v9 and v10 two new payment acquirers have been implemented payumoney and stripe. Those addons now have their credential set as private. Methods using the acquirers have been sudoed accordingly to avoid access issues when rendering the buttons. Other payment modules will be updated when the forward port from 8 to 9 and pre-10-master will be done.
Raphael Collet authored
Raphael Collet authored
Martin Trigaux authored
dut-odoo authored
If your create an order in backend and you make payements, they remain opened while the POS session isn't closed, which may seens counter-intuitive. The payment in taken into account afterward and the reconciliation is made with the invoice (if applicable) We shouldn't let people create POS orders from backend. And while we're at it, we should do the same with sessions. They're opened and closed from the dashboard.
Damien Bouvy authored
There already is a redirect implementation in the chat_manager which closely matches the on_redirect implementation in chatter.js, however the former has the advantage of calling get_formview_id to ensure that the view is correct. This fixes a faulty behaviour when some models are referenced from chatter message using data attribute data-oe-model and data-oe-id. For example, linking invoices in the chatter would always open them with the 'vendor invoice' view; from this revision on the correct view will be used (assuming get_formview_id is implemented on the model). The default behaviour of the chat_manager when a user clicks on a partner record is to open a channel if the partner has a user then return a callback passed as a parameter (usually to open the channel as a popup or in the discuss app). To keep the old behaviour of the chatter followers list widget (i.e. open the partner form when clicking on a follower), a small change has to be made on the redirect implementation: when no callback is provided, do not create the channel (instead a returning an empty callback).
- Sep 05, 2016
Thibault Delavallée authored
Olivier Dony authored
The default order on `sequence` was not specific enough, causing semi-random selection of picking type and warehouse when several types exist with the same sequence. The problem was made more likely by the fact that warehouses create their own picking types. The algorithm to determine the sequences for the new types was not handling properly the case of a NULL sequence. The patch fixes both issues: the selection of the default picking type (e.g. for purchase orders), and the algorithm for choosing the sequence for new picking types.
qsm-odoo authored
* Replace mail theme/template system with a cleaner one which only allows to change a class on the main container of the mail * Improve snippets * Improve snippet options * Improve web_editor UI * ...
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
* Remove mass mailing template switching system (lemon, airmail, ...) and replace it with a theme selector which only toggle a different class on the body. * Lint JS files. * Change the way the editor is overridden by mass_mailing in a more odoo way (put the JS in assets and check on runtime if it must be applied. + fix editor style + remove useless code + remove odoo template
qsm-odoo authored
* Split snippets into templates and use the t-snippet directive * Correctly handle snippet thumbnails thanks to t-thumbnail and not with custom css
Csaba Fazekas authored
* Airmail/Lemon/Tech template/Odoo template * Add bg color option * Clean snippets
Christophe Matthieu authored
* remove theme/template selection screen for mass_mailing * allow to use different layout on edition * add new snippets
Christophe Matthieu authored
Christophe Matthieu authored
Christophe Matthieu authored
Martin Trigaux authored
In Transifex configuration file
Damien Bouvy authored
Instead of showing the columns delivered/invoiced qties on SOs by setting a special key in the view's context, let's do the opposite and hide them for a sepcial key instead. The rationale behind this decision is that when a user wants to see a SO from another place in the system, it is often a SO and not a quote (i.e. accessing from an invoice's chatter message, from a subscription, etc.). The default should then be to show these fields unless otherwise specified in the context (and not the opposite).
Martin Trigaux authored
Since the externalidpocalypse
Martin Trigaux authored
This commit is a port of a17c09af to master The email templates may contain non-html content (mako) which should not be sanitized. Changing this attribute to sanitize_attributes made the translations to be split when translated.
Thibault Delavallée authored
Double tap * fix wrong group xml_ids probably introduced when rebasing the branch removing workflow after xml-id-pocalypse * fix wrong group used for buttons, should be for Billing users
qsm-odoo authored
The jSignature lib is now used by non-frontend module (at least it will be in upcoming commits).
Richard Mathot authored
Because it does not fix the problem.
Richard Mathot authored
This is a minimal fix after a broken inheritance. Usability may not be optimal.
Pierre Masereel authored
There is a traceback when we are trying to install module from the list view and clicking on the button 'Module Immediate Install'. This traceback appears because of a server action that has not been migrated during the rev https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/d465346f1 To fix this, we've converted the server action in new API.
Richard Mathot authored
Yannick Tivisse authored
When we create a timesheet activity, it create an analytic line that allows to re-invoice the costs from the employee. If the account_id is not set on the analytic account line, the employee cost is not passed correctly on the Analytic Entries, which is not the behavior we should expect. This commit simply adds a account_id on the employee and this account is returned with the cost and the uom by the method `_get_timesheet_cost`
Martin Trigaux authored
Thibault Delavallée authored
This branch contains several usability improvements targetting saas-13. Each commit contains its own small feature or improvement.
Thibault Delavallée authored
Indeed currently it is only visible in edit mode. However we noticed people did not trigger the edit mode to find fields they do not expect to find. Making them visible helps understanding projects can be used notably for tasks and issues.
Thibault Delavallée authored
* Number of emails should not take into account internal notifications * Remove Channel and Tasks from issue report as those are not really used anymore * Remove New filter as it can be done through stage filtering instead of using a not obvious heuristic based on stage sequence
Thibault Delavallée authored
A new view is dedicated for that kanban view. It is based on the standard issue kanban view but using the group_create=false attribute to disable the ability to create new columns. It is done using a different view because standard issue kanban view requires this ability. However it is not possible to achieve that goal using conditional attributes.
Thibault Delavallée authored
Thibault Delavallée authored
New API migration of project issue was not correctly done considering module organization. This commit reorder files according to the guidelines.
Olivier Dony authored
RecordSets were not preserving order when combined with AND/OR set operators. Order was lost as well through mapped(). This caused various recurring "heisenbugs" during tests executions on runbot, specifically comming in the test of stock_landed_costs. Using OrderedSets instead of basic Sets to resolve these operation avoids the indetermination. This required an implementation of __or__ / __and__ for OrderedSet.
Olivier Dony authored
Olivier Dony authored
- As of v10, manifest files should be named `__manifest__.py` - For backwards-compatibility, __openerp__.py manifest files will still be supported for the time being - Limited refactoring, to add support for the 2 different naming conventions - All textual references to __openerp_.py updated in documentation and examples